This photo (taken 6ish years ago) is of my dad's family. From the left you have Aunt Terry, Dad, Meme, Poppy, Aunt Peggy, and Aunt Diana. This is the way the usually look. We are missing one brother from this picture, but considering I've only met him 3 times in my life, I consider this picture to be pretty complete.
So Meme... I guess she was called Me-Ma until I came along..I (in all my baby cuteness) decided she was mine. I would say the phrase "me Me-Ma." Eventually I dropped the end syllable, and it stuck.
Meme is, how should I say it, senile. She loves to tell me the same stories. I laugh each time. She also can't hear so great anymore, so I have to yell in order for her to hear me. She just laughs when she can't hear the story, so I'm never sure if she thinks I'm funny, or she didn't hear me.
She also hates help, but needs it. Help going up steps, or getting up from church. One time in a wheelchair, from a surgery, Poppy forgot he was 'driving her' and let her slide alone on the ice. I think it had an effect on her...
She is a terrible cook, but loves to fix us dinner. I always say she is my 'box' grandma. My favorite foods at her house are powered doughnuts, pre-made sausage, and pickled beets.
She made me a tea towel once, in my wedding colors. She was so excited and asked me over and over if I noticed something different about it. I was thinking..ummm you stitched the angel with blue hair and brown wings??? When she pointed out they were my wedding colors, she was so proud of herself.
She cried at my wedding the moment she realized she was walking down the aisle to "Cross my heart" by George Strait. She was the reason I picked the song, she LOVES the guy.
She loves to tease my Poppy about his many other girlfriends at church. I tell her to put a pocket camera in his shirt so she can keep an eye on what he's doing.
Meme loves Trevor. Whenever we were dating and I would tell her I was coming for a visit, she always would ask me if he was coming before committing to being home.
Anytime I call their house, Poppy always gets Meme on the phone before I can continue my conversation. She loves to listen and know lots of family news so she can pass it on. She always tells me around 4 times that she loves me before I can hang up.
When I was little she assumed I loved Tweety Bird because my cousin, around my age liked him.
She had surgery today to tie up her bladder... she came through with the grace she handles every life situation..laughing and surrounded by those who love her.
Meme, I know you said you only wanted to make it to 80...but you're at 82 now and I'm thankful for those two years, and the ones to come.

(Meme in Pink)