Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Growing up, there were always constants in my life. They went by the name of 'NickandTyler' It rolled off my tongue like PB&J, Diet Dr. Pepper with Vanilla...oh wait...that's my adult life. We were a team of three most of the time. All oldest siblings, we spent days talking our siblings into things, playing sports and having adventures. We went to church and school together and lived in the same 6 house 'neighborhood.' We pretty much shared houses and parents growing up.

Nick and I (1988 or 1989?)

Tyler and I (1995?)

They were my best friends. We made it though crushes, popularity contests, and people moving in and out of our lives. I remember pushing Nick's wheelchair when he broke his leg, and attending Tyler's grandma's funeral. We spent many summers at the lake together and winters pulling each other on sleds behind lawn mowers.

As we got into high school we vacationed together in Colorado, rafted, climbed mountains. Fun and encouragement were constant. They were a huge reason I never felt like I needed to have a boyfriend. We exhanged Christmas cards and camp notes. They always bought me the friendship carnation that the school sold on Valentine's Day.

When we graduated high school Nick and I headed for Oklahoma, Tyler went to Arkansas. We all met and married spouses perfect for us. I love when we all make it home on the same weekend. I know without a doubt if I needed either of them I could call them day or night. They have grown to be more like my brothers now.

The three of us at my wedding. I was the last of the three of us to get married, they both got married the summer before I did. I love their wives and families. This picture was the only one I insisted on at my wedding.

I'm so excited to get to have dinner with them both tomorrow. I hope our kids will have a small taste of the friendship we share.

Monday, August 29, 2011

if you can't beat them..

join them.

Today my white board marker died. I mean it died. One second it was writing, the next...dead. I just happened to take place during the part of the math notes where I was covering the associative principle of multiplication.

it died right there on the 'o'

so for a good twenty seconds while I was scrambling for another marker there was a bad word on my board. :)

All I could do is join in with the chuckles. Happy Monday Mrs. Howard!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blunt is Best

Somehow in the year I taught 3rd grade, I forgot about how sometimes older kids say things just to be mean. In 3rd grade this happens, but their meanness doesn't cut as deep. Example from Wednesday:

Katy- Move your desk, you're annoying
Lari- No, this is where my desk goes
Katy- Move it!
Lari-(moves it closer, instead of farther away)
Katy- You're dumb
Lari- You're dumb
Katy- At least my mom birthed me out of my womb!
Lari- (Silence)
Katy- --to another student, yah, Lari is 'dopted, she lives with white people
Lari- They aren't white!

at this point another teacher steps in. (They weren't in my homeroom, they were in Reading class at the time)

After I heard about the incident, it struck me. Wow, they shoot directly where it hurts. I knew that Lari was in DHS custody, she hasn't been adopted. She does live with a foster family.

So when I had a chance to talk to Katy about the incident, I walked up to her and told her my mom didn't birth me out of her womb, and I lived with white people. I looked her straight in her face and asked if she had anything else she'd like to say to me.

She said she didn't.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oh air conditioner

Sung to the tune of Oh Christmas Tree

Oh air conditioner, oh air conditioner
You really rule my life
Oh air conditioner, oh air conditioner
When you're broke, there's strife
I sweat, and I yell a lot, all because I'm really hot
Oh air conditioner, oh air conditioner
You make me a better wife

a typical day...

So if you are up to date with my current life you know my amazing hubby is in Pharmacy school. Yay for him! That also means he is spending more time studying, traveling back and forth, and sitting in a classroom then normal. Which would all be fine...but he's had to cut his work hours. Since I'm not willing to go into major debt for this whole Pharmacy school thing, I got a second job after school and on weekends...

don't worry, I'll work hard the first 6 years of marriage and he can work hard the years 6-80.

So today I worked all day at school and then 5-11 at my part time job. I came home to no air conditioning...AH! The high today was 102, tomorrow it's 103, and Sunday it's 105.

Bad timing.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


In honor of my 26th birthday.... 26 things you should know about me.

  1. My favorite age so far has been 23. I got married, graduated college, and got my first teaching job. Also my first nephew was born. It was a good year!

  2. People look at me like I'm crazy but I really do love to teach pre-teens! The mouthier the better!

  3. I feel very at home as the only 'white person' in my classroom. If you'd have asked me in high school I don't think I would have said that.

  4. I love playing- and winning- card games, board games, any type of game really

  5. I found out this year that I have some genetic thing that causes me to lose my skin pigment if I pick up a virus. Thank goodness the pigment comes back! Went 25 years without knowing that one.

  6. I never used to be a pet person. I'm still not a pet person with other people's pets--just my own.

  7. I hate to think I've started my 'late-twenties'. It's been 3 years since I graduated college; 7 years since I graduated high school.

  8. I have never found or seen a video game that I would want to play.

  9. I do my best thinking in the middle of the night, but typically forget it by morning

  10. I never have trouble sleeping. I don't wake up or even move at night.

  11. I really want to have laser eye surgery. I hate blurry vision

  12. I love teaching Math but it was my least favorite subject in school

  13. I enjoy speaking for dogs, or babies that aren't old enough to speak for themselves. Trevor and I often communicate for long periods of time with one of us talking for Samson.

  14. I need to be grading papers right now.

  15. I love the Big Bang Theory

  16. I really wish I had a photo of myself as an infant

  17. I really do have a wide age range of friends. I happen to like it that way.

  18. I talk to my dad on the phone every day

  19. I had my first cavity this summer

  20. I really really like to be on time. It bothers me to be late.

  21. I currently have my dream job.

  22. I have no desire to go back for a masters degree

  23. I appreciate my parents more now than ever

  24. I have the best husband on the planet. Argue with me...and I will win

  25. I hope that by the time I'm thirty I will be able to afford to Travel

  26. I have a superviser's number at Sallie Mae...that's how often I call :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Traits I appreciate

in coworkers
in family members
in anyone I come into contact with

  1. Common courtesy. Use your manners, think of others, don't be a burden

  2. Willingness to do what you are supposed to be responsible for. Whether it is bringing the pumpkin pie to Thanksgiving or writing the Reading lesson...do it.

  3. Doing what you say you will do.

  4. Keeping bad words to a minimum. yeah the occasional curse might be well place, comical, or help emphasize, but don't over do it

  5. Speak kindly of others. Don't trash everyone you know.

  6. Be direct. I'm not interested in your hidden agenda or mind games.

  7. Don't whine. We all have crap going on.

  8. Work hard. Half doing things is creating more work for others

  9. Play fairly

  10. Find the joy in life...and focus on it

Sunday, August 14, 2011



It's been a week of family.
My Grandpa, Poppy, had a stay in the hospital.
My Grandma, Meme, refused to go visit him because of her westerns being on...
My brother-in-law has been here from Korea all week
My in-laws were in town for the weekend
My other brother-in-law, wife and two kids around
My dad and mom called a lot
My brother texted from Afghanistan
My uncle wasn't informed of my grandpa being in the hospital
My aunt got a little 'talking to' because of that
My sister in law sent me a cute picture of my niece, Kaia
My nephew Connor showed off his ability to say, 'Abeff' (Aunt Beth)
and got to talk to my favorite cousin on the phone...twice!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the ones

You know how there are those people in your life? You know the ones. The ones that click instantly, the ones whose names literally flood your mind with good thoughts and memories and bring a smile to your face.

I've met a few of these people in life so far. People who you understand and like naturally, with no effort, no 'trying'. I'm lucky to call many of these people friends although our ages range and sometimes our distance.

I got to see one of these special gifts today. It made my day.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Good and Bad

* I get to meet my students tomorrow

* I now have to get up early again
* No more naps
* Wearing clothes besides sweat pants
* Showering regularly
* No more days with my pups

Some how shaping the minds of 5th graders makes up for all the small things I have to give up! Bring on the school year!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Missouri Weekend

Last weekend, while in Missouri, we got to spend some time with our families.

On Friday night we celebrated our 3rd anniversary at the Branson Belle. You can see the boat in the background. Trevor's older brother, Carter and his wife, Robyn were celebrating their 1st annivesary!

This is a picture from inside the boat. Trevor & I (3 years!) Tammy & Ward (27 years) Robyn & Carter (1 year). Our anniversary dates fall in the same week or so. --July 26, July 27, Aug 4--

After our adults only evening, Trevor and I watched our nephew, David, and our niece, Kaia all day Saturday. Talk about a prep for having kids. We had a great day with them, and even ventured out to a baby shower. David is 2, Kaia is 6 months

David on his laptop showing Thomas the train how to work it. He's a talker, that boy!

"Uncle Trevor is the best burper ever!" -Kaia

Friday, August 5, 2011

My cousin is the best cousin on the face of the planet

This is my cousin, she goes by many names. I like to refer to her as VRUM. Mostly because it rhymes with BRUM. We have quite a few things in common. Our first initials rhyme. V -- B. We have the same middle name. We had the same last name for 20 something years. We are 6 months (to the day) apart in age. Growing up, I was always taller, but sometime-I can't figure out when- she caught up to me. I'm not sure who's more sarcastic. We can banter with the best. I've been known to say, we could host a radio show--yes we are that entertaining together. We've always competed in our own friendly way. I like to think it makes us both better.

What might be most unique about our relationship is how strong it is, seeing that we only see each other twice a year-if that. Growing up, we met at our grandparents house for a week in the summer. We'd spend the week ditching our brothers, creating forts, riding bikes, and fighting snakes. We'd share the blue bed, in the blue room. Even though we lived complete separate lives other than that week, some how we managed form an friendship on top of our role as cousins.

My cousin is the best! She's smart and athletic. She is a great artist. She can take photographs that blow my mind. She is a fast thinker. She's a good sport. She loves Jesus and her family. She has high standards for the people in her life (hi MM!!). She's a great writer and editor (as I know well). She's creative and funny. Until our lives allows us to live closer she will remain in my blog, facebook, and mind.

VRUM- I'm blessed to be your cousin and friend! I also wish I had access to some of our older pictures together, where I am the cuter baby!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back to it

The only two reasons I'm not super excited to go back to work today.

I don't know how people with actual kids do it...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cavity 101

Yesterday I had my very first filling. Every time I spoke of it, the person on the other end would give me 'sad eyes' and then secretly smile to themselves. NO ONE spoke of what would occur during the actual filling. So here my friends is Cavity 101.

1. Numbing. A quick swab on the gums followed by 10ish shots near the cavity site. The good news is, you can only feel the first shot. The bad news is, you know they are still giving them because you can see the doc's hand pushing that needle in your gums!

2. Clamping the tooth. This is so they can prepare the rubber shield of death. Please pray your cavity isn't in the farthest tooth back, you could be in for some long-term gagging while the tech is placing the clamp. They tie floss to it in case it falls into your throat, that way they can pull it out. Nice of them, huh?

3. Rubber Shield (Dam of some kind) This isolates the tooth so that they can see it. If you make it past this point, you're home free!

4. Drill, drill drill

5. Wrap a metal strip around the tooth drilled so that they filling has 'contour'

6. Cram a wedge in between the filling tooth, and the two around it so that they can still be flossed.

7. Filling, Blue light, Filling, Blue Light, repeat

8. Bite test- to see if the filling is filed properly. Repeat at least 8 times, followed by more drilling.

9. Take everything out of your mouth. ( your top lip might still be numb)

10. Pay and schedule your 6th month check up.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My goal for you my student

My goal for you my student is to love yourself, to know you have a purpose

and inspire you to find it.

My goal for you my student is for you to love learning and not be satisified with the easy answer

My goal for you my student is to be true to yourself and affect others positively

My goal for you my student is to know right from wrong -and- act on what is right

My goal for you my student is to encourage you to think through your decisions

and be proud of who you are

My goal for you my student, is to contribute fairly to the world we share

Will I be thrilled if you pass all the tests? of course

Will I be excited if your grades are perfect? yes

Do I measure my success on these things? no

My goals lean less on these things, and more with the person

you will be in 10, 20, 50 years down the road. For that, my student, I can't wait.