Warning: Long post ahead
Miles, as you get older you will learn that your mom is really good at keeping up with stuff, until she's not. The best of intentions fell to being busy. Like I've said many times, your poor future siblings. Their baby chronicles will most likely fall to the wayside.
As week 11 turned into week 12 you being a smiling pro. You not only smiled at us, but in response to us. I can make you smile anytime I want. (read: I spend lots of time making goofy faces at you)
You also experienced your first rainfall. To be honest, it rained the night after you were born, but you didn't get to go outside for that one. This one you got to enjoy. It wasn't too hot or cold. We had to take Samson and Ezra out front to potty instead of letting them out back because it was flooded.

We met Lindsey and baby Jacob (in utero) for lunch and shopping. I can't wait until you and baby Jacob are aware of each other. I know you are going to have so much fun together. Who knows, maybe you will be roommates someday.
Then you turned 12 weeks old. This is the last week you got your picture made with your rock and play. You are too big for it. :( It's had a good run. I would definitely buy it again, even though you only used it for 3 months.
On week 13 you turned 3 months old. Here you are playing in your car that Papa got you.
A few days after you turned 12 weeks old we went to New York. We were scheduled to go earlier this summer, but Pops got a kidney stone and the trip was postponed. I think you did better being a little older. We flew up to New York. You did great with your first two plane rides. We sat next to men both times, (dad stayed home to work). Good thing you didn't need to eat. You slept straight through. You did enjoy a little people watching in the airport.
Pops and Gramma picked us up at the airport and took us to Uncle Michael and Auntie Tai's. David and Kaia were very excited when we arrived.
You loved Uncle Michael. He thought you were pretty cool too. I think he may be the tallest person who's ever held you. You enjoyed being closer to the ceiling fans. You spent a lot of time rocking and reading with Auntie Tai.
Your cousin Kaia LOVED you! She was the perfect little helper. She checked on you when you were napping, gave your paci back to you when you dropped it. Whoever was holding you could bet she'd be right there, lending a hand.
David thought you were neat too, but he was so busy running around, playing with trains, and wrestling Pops that he just stopped briefly to check in on you while he was playing. He was pretty confused about what a cousin meant. He kept thinking you were his new brother. He told us that we could stay forever. It's safe to say, he loves you.
We took a day trip to a Lake Placid, New York. There we ate bbq, saw your first waterfall, and drove up a mountain.
After another day of hanging out when started back towards Missouri with Pops and Gramma.
You turned 14 weeks on the road trip back.
1500 miles: 7 states
Back in Missouri we stopped to visit Grammy and Papa and Uncle Travis before we headed to Oklahoma. Uncle Travis is leaving for Taiwan so you had to say bye to him.
We finally made it back to Oklahoma. You've learned some new skills the past few weeks. You babble, grin, grab for your feet, love to sit up when assisted, hold your head more still, grab and pull things towards your mouth, and really go to town sucking on your fists.
You are still a small little guy for your age, but you are very good at making your wants and needs known. You have such a neat little personality and get more fun every day!