Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall Break Catch-up

Since it's been 24 days since my last blog post, here is a short recap of what's been going on. 

Fall break:
We went home home (Southwest Missouri) for Fall Break.  Oh the leaves. The cool breeze. Our people. Every time I make this trip I do not want to return to Oklahoma. Not one tiny bit. Trevor and I grumble the whole way home, 'is it May yet?'.  It's just so good for us and the kiddos to be home.  Seeing Miles with his grandparents seals the deal for me.  Miles adores his Papa Ward.  *This could be because Papa Ward gives him EVERYTHING he wants*  That's what Papas are supposed to do. Miles is devastated for days after we return home. Grandparent detox is real, I promise.

We also spent some time with Miles and Hazel's cousins.  This is probably a very close second to why we are excited to be home.  I love the idea of my kids growing up with their cousins.  David is SO good with Miles.  He makes him laugh harder than anyone else.  Kaia loves to 'mother' Miles and Hazel.  I can't wait until they can call run around together. My brother and sister-in-law are raising some great kids.
Miles turned 18 months a few days ago. A year and a half! Wow! He has an increasing vocabulary.
His favorite words are: Papa, Baby, Uh oh, here ya go, and thank you. He can mimic and repeat most of the things I ask him to, but he only uses 10-15 words for his own benefit.  He also can put shapes in the right holes on his shape sorter and stack blocks on top of each other. He loves to paint and draw and if he does something that makes you laugh, he keeps doing it to get the same reaction. He also loves his sister, sometimes too much.
Hazel is nearly 4 months old.  She is one strong girl. She holds her head up like a pro, rolls both directions, can tri-pod sit for a few seconds and needs to be part of the action all the time. We recently switched her to a convertible car seat, instead of the newborn ones you carry.  She loves it. She likes that she can sit up straighter and higher. She no longer screams every time we are in the car. She also started riding in the stroller with Miles without the car seat insert. She basically thinks she can do anything Miles can do. She drools and chews on her hands a lot more than I remember Miles doing.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

3 Months in the books


Technically your 3 month birthday isn't until Tuesday, but let's all pause a moment and give me credit for 1. posting about your 3rd month milestone and 2. doing it early.

Okay. Girl, you are incredible.  Yes, we had a bit of a rocky start with you crying all the time, but you have since redeemed yourself.  You can roll, hold your neck up, sit up in your bumbo, sleep in your own crib, nap regularly, eat like a champ, sleep through the night, deal with your brother 'loving' you, and you're usually happy.  You decided that instead of shrieking for dinner you should just smack your lips until I feed you.  I appreciate this cue you give me.  You also are so over chilling in your rock and play. You need to be on the floor where the action is. You also hate being cradled, you want to sit straight up and see what's going on. You seriously have such a little attitude about what you want and when you want it. Heaven help us.
You do pretty well when we go places.  You ride in the baby carrier most of the time when we grocery shop, eat out, or go fun places like the zoo, fair, or pumpkin patch. This is why there aren't a lot of pictures of you at those places. Here is a picture of you at the pumpkin patch. This is the top of your head by the sign for Hazel the horse.

In the next month it would really be nice if you decided you like your carseat and bottles again. Thanks.