Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The road to Silas (part 2)

If you missed part one, you can find it here.

After the fateful text message to Trevor that I was indeed pregnant, I just sat in the closet trying to make sense of what was about to be our new normal.

I had all the concerns.

A few of the top contenders:
1. Was this baby healthy (raw sushi, wine, a disappearing pelvic mass, and 5 years time lapse in taking prenatal vitamins were just a few of the random things that coincided with my early pregnancy weeks)
2. How the heck did this happen
3. Our family felt complete already + what felt like a giant age gap
4. Could my 33 year old body do this again.

I decided then that if I was going to indeed have another baby, I was going to do it the exact way I wanted.

We confided in a couple of support people and booked an appointment with a midwife. I started weight training with our friend Will and started taking some vitamins and supplements regularly. These combined factors helped me accept this pregnancy as happening, although anyone in our life will tell you I wasn't excited about it.

Once I passed the 12 week mark and our genetic test came back clear, we began to spread the news. This was maybe the most enjoyable part. We were vocal about being finished with kids, so we made more than a few people cry, probably out of shock!

My pregnancy progressed normally and soon it was go-time.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The road to Silas (part1)

It is no secret that Trevor and I were (very) done having kids after Hazel.  She was a rough baby and we were in no hurry to repeat the newborn experience. We had two healthy kids, a new degree and job, and moved home to friends and family. Life was pretty easy. forward 4 years...

In January of 2018 I started having some weird symptoms: pelvic pain, weird bleeding, tenderness in my abdomen.  So I went to get it checked out. After a normal pap, and a physical exam by an Gynecologist, they discovered there was a mass in my pelvis near my left ovary but not connected to anything. It was about the size of my fist (9cm/6cm/3cm). After bloodwork, two ultrasounds, and an MRI, and one round of antibiotics the mass disappeared as easily as it came. Also, it took with it, our birth control.

So, like the responsible people we are, we decided to recoup some of the money we spent on the pelvic mass and wait to seek out further permanent birth control. And that worked...until it didn't.

In July I knew my ovulation would fall close to our 10th anniversary, but I carefully tracked it and thought we would be 3-4 days in the clear. Turns out, I was wrong.

I found out I was pregnant in early August and proceeded to sit in my closet with the pregnancy test and curse. Then I texted my friend Jodi, who was overjoyed (more cursing) and sent Trevor a photo of the positive pregnancy test while he was at work...(oops).

To be continued...