Tuesday, April 19, 2011

testing: day 1

So my kiddies had their first day of state testing. We entered the 'big kid's club' of state test today. I could not be more proud. Of the parents...or the kids! It's sad to think that sometimes I view their parents growth and feel pride too.

Day one of testing started with reading encouraging notes that their parents had written them. (I'm pretty sure I stole this idea from Amanda) (Hi Amanda!!!)
Anyways...I could not have been more proud of how awesome these parents did with age appropriate notes that showed support and love! Every single one of my kids were SO in love with the note their parent wrote. They wanted to show it off to me and every single student in the room. Way to go Parents!!!

We also got brand new mechanical pencils (because my students are always sharp!!) My kids told me today that they wished EVERY day was testing day....umm not me!

They all finished in between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours. Pretty good for 23, nine year olds who have never taken a state test!

The proud,
Mrs. H

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes they say some not-so-great things about their parents, but isn't funny how excited they get about a note from them?!
