Thursday, June 23, 2011

A&LF pt 2

If you didn't read part 1 it's here.

My mom handed me the mail. I flipped through, looking for my latest 17 Magazine. What I found was a letter from CFS. Christian Family Services is the adoption agency that my brother and I were adopted from. I have a closed adoption which means all correspondance between the adoptee/family and birthparent goes through them. They never disclosed names or locations of either party. My mom had been in corrispondance through CFS with my birthmother my entire life, sending her updates on my academics, growth and hobbies.

"Can I open this letter from CFS mom?"
"Sure hon, It's probably just the annual fund-raising letter"

I opened the envelope to find a typed letter from my social worker, Thelma.

"Hello Rumkers,
Enclosed is a letter from Elizabeth's birth mom. Please share it with her when you feel she's ready."

SO of course, I was 'ready' right then! "MOM! Can I open it? Please?" Without seeming phased, my mom smiled and gave me permission. So there in the car, 1/4 mile from my childhood home, I 'met' my birthmom.

"Dear Elizabeth,
I would like you to know one very important thing right from the start. I LOVE YOU and have never stopped loving you since the day you were conceived. You have been in my heart, in my thoughts, and in my prayers since the day you were born. I have been looking forward to this time in our lives, for a very long time! I guess maybe I should start from the beginning and introduce myself. My name is Suzanne Elizabeth, and I am your birth mother"

..........stay tuned for part 3

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