When I was three my parents adopted my brother. My mom recounts how I would ask if "Baby Michael Andrew" was home from heaven yet. Since we picked him up my life has been forever changed.

My brother and I share a relationship of love and respect. Our personalities are as different as our physical features. He is as impulsive as I am level headed. He has light eyes and can eat his weight in candy without gaining a pound. He is a driven, focused individual... but only when he wants to.

My brother is brave. He joined the Army out of high school. He's seen more terror in his life then I can comprehend. He still is a loving brother, son, and dad.

I'm thankful for facebook which unites us across the world. It's my joy daily to see that my brother is safe and happy. I look forward to his return to the states. Happy Birthday Bub. I'm so proud of you and I love you always!

SUCH a cute picture! You are one lucky aunt.