The hardest thing about working two jobs is having enough time for everything. It's making sure my students don't get shorted because I don't have as much time as usual.
Well I'm happy to report all is going well is 5th grade and I took a few pictures of what we've been up to. I'm not sure if I've explained my new role completely, but I'm teaching 5th grade at HP. (The same school I taught 3rd grade at last year). I teach all three fifth grade classes Math. I also teach my homeroom writing. It's the best gig! It's really the only way I could have time to work a second job! When I say it's my dream job... it aint no lie!

This is my homeroom class. They are really just the best. I can't say enough about their attitude, behavior, and respect as a group. This is about half of them. We were writing outside to practice using sensory words in our descriptive writing. It was a fun outing!

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