Friday, September 27, 2013

5 Month Miles

Dear Miles,

You turned 5 months old on Monday. It was a beautiful, coolish fall day and we were far too busy playing on swings for me to write this post.  I'm stuck in this weird place right now of wanting you to stay babyish and seeing you become more aware of the world  around you.  It makes me think to the future and what type of things I want to teach you as you get older. In the same breath, I'm cuddling you during naps and thankful you can't quite sit up yet. It's confusing place to be as your mama.

My mind constantly shifts from 'beginning with the end in mind' to 'savor each moment' so I try to accommodate both. You are the bright spot in so many people's day. You eat lunch every day with a group of pharmacy students who adore you. But you light up the faces of the volunteers serving lunch each day. On Monday, you hang out with the Methodist ladies, on Tuesday the Church of Christ ladies hold you while I fill up my plate. Wednesday you get adored by the ladies at the Catholic church. On Thursday there is a man with the Assemblies of God who thinks you are great. They remember you from week to week. All of them comment on how happy you are, and how friendly you are.

A day doesn't go by that someone doesn't offer to take you home with them. It makes me thankful you are mine to take home. You have a smile for everyone, just like your dad. I hope this trait stays with you forever. I dream that you will be the type of man who is kind to everyone. Everyone is always surprised when I tell them you are five months old, they all say you seem older. I think it's because you have such a great personality. You seem to know how to make people smile.

You still have the fattest feet and hands. I love to squish on them. I think your hair has started to grow a bit more and your eyes are the most clear, deep blue. A lot of people describe you as a pretty baby. You are wobbly, but love to sit and look at the world around you. You love being outside. You love being around lots of people, especially ones you recognize. You love to stare at your hands and put them in your mouth. You love listen to stories and look at picture books. You think I look silly when I exercise.

I love you sweet boy, it's been a great five months.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Saturdays are my least favorite day. In an effort to make them more enjoyable, Miles and I ventured to the park today.  One of the parks here is about half a mile away. It's perfect for a short stroll, since we don't have a second car, and Trevor's at work. So we set out this morning it was nice and cool.

Miles has finally got to the point that he can hold his neck up without looking like a bobble head while swinging. This is actually his second time on a swing, but being the stellar parents we are, we forgot to take pictures the first time.

He loves the cool weather, the shady spot, and the breeze. He flaps  his arms and squeals while he slowly swing back and forth. 

Of course, I'm poised in front of him making silly faces and snapping a few pictures. I love his big blues.

Now for nap time, lunch time, and nap time again!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My baby's getting big (week 21)

In less than a week, Miles will be 5 months old. He's getting big. I remember this every time I pick him up. I remember this every time I try to lay him down in his crib and his feet brush the railing. I remember this every time I cradle him and his legs dangle over my side.

I realize I'm lucky to be able to have witnessed every one of his 148 in full. I think it my have to do with the fact that my best friend is due in a few weeks, another friend just gave birth, and yet a third friend just announced a pregnancy.  I (kinda) miss my newborn. I don't miss the feedings every three hours, and I don't miss the constant diapers, and I don't miss the unresponsiveness.  But every time I look at Miles I see him graduating from college and getting married and moving away. Trevor likes to play on this craziness and tell me he's going to move to Italy, just to see my reaction. It's mean.

So, now that I've married him off,  let's talk about week 21. The dude loves to roll, sit up and stare at the what's going on around him, and is showing more of a preference to people he knows. I also think he may be growing because he's been taking epic naps and seems to be eating non-stop. Oh, and he's been fussy. Besides all that, he's so much fun. He loves to babble, grin, and slime us with his drool. I am excited to see his reaction in the next few months to all the holiday fun! Happy week 21 Miles.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 20

This week started out with a fun trip to Shawnee to attend Baby Jacob's baby shower! We are so excited about Jake's arrival!  You can see where we found out baby B was on his way here. (It's #7). :)

So here are some shots from the shower.

This is Miles and Jake (as the baby bump) holding their first BFF sign.

This is a bib that Miles and I made for Baby B. (I shamelessly stole the phrase from an old facebook group a friend made, is it even still a group, Carissa?)

 Here are the 4 of us.

Here's Miles with Lindsey's mom. Practicing her grandma skills!
So after the fun  of the baby shower, it was time for Miles' 4 month check-up.  He is doing fabulously! His stats:
Weight- 14 lbs 8 oz = 15 percentile
Height- 25 1/2 inches = 75 percentile
Headsize= 44 1/2 cm (about 17 1/2 inches) = 95 percentile
It blows my mind that in the last 20 weeks he's more than doubled his weight, grew 6 1/2 inches, and  I don't even know what to say about that head! Thank goodness it exploded once he was OUT. :) 
His shots has made him fussy and clingy and irritable! Thankful that he's generally a very happy baby, because the last 3 days he hasn't been!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm a bad mommy blogger..(weeks 16-19)

As much as I should  have time to update Miles' progress weekly, since I'm staying home, we've fallen into a routine and I'm 'busy'.  Our days look something like this:

8:00- wake up/drink coffee/change diaper/watch Good Morning America/play/eat
10:00- nap for Miles: exercise/shower for me/chores
11:30- lunch with Dad
12:30- play/eat
1:30- nap for Miles: online classes for me/chores
3:30- Dad home/eat
5:30- Dinner for adults
6:00- Dinner for Miles/play
7:00- Bath, bedtime story, top off eating
8:00- Bed for Miles

It is literally the best job I've ever had. Our house is clean, laundry is caught up, meals are being prepared and I get to be with our little guy.

Speaking of our main man, he has been busy working on his sitting up, rolling over, and giggling skills. He is much more tolerant of being left alone to play for a while.  The biggest change is that he has discovered his hands. He loves to lay and stare at them and shove him as far as he can into his mouth.

He got a short visit from Gramma and Pops, he loved all that attention and the reprieve from his daily floor time. He also battled his first mosquito bites like a champ.

He met his last set of great-grandparents.  My dad's parents (Meme & Poppy) loved him.  He loved my grandma, smiling and cooing every time she spoke. I'm glad we finally made it up there. In the photo Miles' baby blanket is on my grandma's lap. She crocheted it for him.

He's wearing size 2 diapers and still easily fits into 3 month clothing.  I'm thinking he weights somewhere around 13 1/2 pounds. We will get the official weight when he goes to the doctor next week. His fussy newborn-ness has turned into the most happy and friendly babyhood.