Saturday, April 12, 2014

Miles the artist//Hazel @26 weeks

 I dislike Saturdays. Mostly because Trevor is gone from 10am-9pm and it's LONG day alone with Miles with no car, and as of yesterday, no cable. I saw a non-toxic paint recipe on a friend's facebook the other day, and even though her son's a year older than Miles, I thought I would give it a try.  After all, it's never too early to start letting him have sensory experiences, right? So off we set with three colors and a blank sheet of paper. You can see at the beginning he was a bit reserved. *I had taken his shirt off to avoid a huge mess-- I now realize I should have taken his pants off as well*

Then I took the blue paint, and gave him the yellow....
Then I set the yellow out of the way and gave him the red. As you can see, he already had as much on his pants as he did on the paper.
At this point, I knew a bath was in order, so I just let him have all the paints he wanted. Then he figured out if he would just dump the paint on the paper, it would be more efficient. 
This was Miles as I scooped him up to put him in the bathtub. I mean, who doesn't take a bath at 10:30 am?  The flour/water/food coloring mixture washed off him very easily and after all that excitement he took a great nap!
Week 26: Hazel is just as feisty as usual this week. I have been having some hip pain for a month or so, and when I asked my doctor about it he suggested I see a chiropractor. So last Monday, I did. I have to say, I would have rather spent the money on a massage. He adjusted my neck, back, and hips, so he says. I guess I was excepting them to pop or something. I left the office with a head-ache. I haven't noticed a difference with my hip, better or worse, so I won't be going back. I found a new OBGYN in Tulsa that I have my first appointment with on May 12. I'm hopeful that he will want to do an ultra-sound so we can see our girl again. The nurse on the phone said the initial appointment will take 2 hours! I have no idea what they are going to do that long.  Below is a picture of Hazel's favorite pastime, which I call-- try to break out of mom's stomach--. This is a regular thing for her. It only makes me slightly worried about her 2s, 3s, and teenage years.


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