Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More things I don't care about

When Miles was brand new, I posted about things I didn't care about, and what I do. You can find that first post here.

Since I've had 6 more months of parenting experiences, here are a few more current areas of which I don't bother.

1. Miles never slept in pajamas until just recently when it got cooler. Before I put him to bed in exactly what he was currently wearing. Why in the world would I create more work for myself by making more dirty clothes?

2. Miles loves water and baths, but he only gets them about once a week, sometimes he goes longer. He's not exactly romping around in the dirt. I love his baby soft skin and don't want to dry it out or slather it with lotion. I do make sure his face is clean though, I can't stand a dirty face on a baby. Gross!

3. I don't think I have ever washed a baby sock. Why in the world would you wash a baby sock? Fair warning, these socks have been in use for 6 months with no signs of being retired or washed. He doesn't wear them even a whole day, only out when it's chilly. He doesn't spit-up/poop/spill food on them. They are just fine.

4. When Miles and I are home in the day, I never have the TV on. But, he does see the computer screen occasionally. When Trevor's gets home, the TV turns on and Miles is mesmerized. Okay, I did let him watch 15 minutes of Mickey Mouse Club House because I NEEDED a shower.

5. I try not to let the dogs lick him, really I do.

6. Miles just recently started eating veggies. I didn't bother with rice cereal and he's had a few bites of fruits and clearly enjoys veggies more.  I walked out of the restroom at Chick-fil-a one day and saw Miles with a French fry full of honey mustard in his mouth. Grandparents (smile). You win some, you lose some. 

7. I really enjoy a schedule but when grandparents are involved I've realized it's better for everyone if we just go with the flow. I'm a firm believer in 'babies don't keep'. Snuggle away Gramma!

8. Miles has tummy time daily, but I think he will make progress as he is meant to. I didn't practice sitting with him from an early age. One day about 3 weeks ago, I sat him on the bed and he wobbled. Two days later he was sitting on the ground unassisted for a photo shoot. He will crawl and walk when he's meant to. I will enjoy him while he's still wobbly and cuddly.

9. Miles loves reading books. He has no idea what toys that make noise are. I'm holding out as long as possible. Down with batteries!

10. I really wish I could think of a number 10....but I can't. I'm okay with that.

Monday, October 28, 2013

6 Months and a Trip to the Beach

So at last we spoke, Trevor had just had an appendectomy. Approximately four days later, Miles and I set out on our extended fall break.  This included an elaborate plan of spending a few days in Missouri before we flew to Florida with Trevor's parents. 

After a 6 hour car ride with a 6-month that loves having attention, and doesn't love being in a car seat with no entertainment, we arrived in Missouri.  We spent Saturday looking around with Angela (and Miles' newest friend in-utero) at second hand baby stores.

Sunday we went to church. I could write a whole post no how wonderful it was to be at our church, but I will save that for another time. We met up with friends that I've literally known all my life. It's such a blessing to be around those who you know so well, you can admit to them you don't bathe your baby more than weekly. (judge away) Don't worry, I gave him a bath right before church.

Monday off we jetted to Florida with Grammy and Papa!

Miles spent the next few days sleeping by the ocean,

going for walks on the beach,

 playing in the condo,

napping in Grammy's arms,
And enjoying sunsets.
Three days into our vacation, Trevor joined us! It was nice to share a few baby-free moments.

It was a nice recharge for what has been an epic third year of pharmacy school. And I dare you to tell me that Miles and I aren't in pharmacy school too...

When we returned to Missouri, on the most awful plane ride ever, we met up with my favorite cousin, VRum. After taking pictures of Miles in-utero, it was only fitting that she work her magic on his 6-month self.

If you want to see more of Miles' 6 month session click here
In short, my family is the best. Thank you Grammy and Papa for taking us along on the Florida adventure and Valeri for doing the (one thing) you are better than me at. :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Appendectomy Adventure

On Monday morning at 3AM, Trevor woke me up telling me his stomach hurt. This isn't an unusual thing for him to wake me up about, but this pain was different than normal. It hurt when moved, when he touched his stomach, when laid on his side. I have seen him in way more pain then he was currently in, but something was nagging at me that we needed to get him checked out. So off the 3 of us when to the Emergency Room. We were the only people there and saw the doctor right away. He ordered a CT scan after he examined Trevor.
Trevor went off for the CT scan and returned about 20 minutes later. By 5 am we were told he had appendicitis.  They started an IV and fluids. Here is Trevor right after he got his IV in.
By this point, I figured I should call his parents and let them know what was up. I was on the phone with his mom when he started having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. He started turning beet red, getting hives, and swelling. Mostly on his face, neck, arm pits, and palms. This started a downward spiral.

I ran to get the nurse, because I didn't know where the call button was. They gave him some Benadryl and a steroid shot. He got shaky, cold, nauseated it just piled on. They came back and gave him a warm blanket and a shot of Zofran for his nausea.

That put him right to sleep.  Miles and I hung out while we waited to talk to the surgeon. Miles was such a trooper, having been there since 3 AM and in his baby car seat so I was free to help Trevor with what he needed.
After we met with the surgeon they took us back to the waiting area, where Trevor signed the papers to have his appendix out. We waited there for about an hour while they took a lady's gallbladder out.
They gave Trevor some Versed and prepped him for surgery.  He was feeling good and just a bit apprehensive about he recovery.
Miles and I waited in the waiting room while Trevor was in surgery, about 40 minutes. The doctor came and told me that everything went well and that Trevor would be waking up and they would come get me in 15 minutes or so.
45 MINUTES LATER, they came to tell me he was starting to wake up. He was a pretty slow waker-uper. His oxygen levels weren't staying up very well. Miles had his only melt-down of the day while I was trying to get Trevor dressed and ready to leave. It was a bit hectic.  We left the hospital about 1:30 Monday afternoon.
Trevor slept the rest of Monday away and most of Tuesday, only waking up to eat and practice deep breaths and fake coughs. He struggled with being light-headed until about 4:00pm on Tuesday. We got a little bit of studying in, despite his recent operation.
This morning he headed off to class for the 2nd day since he had surgery. Pharmacy school isn't very forgiving when you get behind. Besides walking slow and not being able to lift more than a gallon of milk for two weeks, I think he's gonna be good as new.
I'm very thankful this all happened before I head to Missouri tomorrow, that it happened to be the one day the surgeon was in our town, and that we caught it before it ruptured. Times like these make me thankful for the supportive friends we have here, and miss having our families close.