Monday, September 3, 2012

taking the time

a text message from a close friend shook our house today.

a horrible accident. a life gone too soon. a brother and son that will be greatly missed.

a man of character, of few words, of a giant smile.

a guy who went to church with us. two years my elder, a quiet presence

today I talked to people from my youth group I haven't had contact with in years.

reunited over a common loss.

i told my brother I loved him.  he knows i'm a proud big sis.

i know he puts himself in harms way for our nation

i know his safety isn't guaranteed

i send him love and hugs thousands of miles away

thru a text message

he understands

i'm taking the time today to thank God for my brothers. all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Praising God that he promises us eternity with dear ones even though we don't get it here on Earth. Lovely words Beth.
