Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 10 (2 month well-visit)


When I look at you lately, I'm in shock at how big you got all of a sudden.   You seem to have really alert days followed by sleepy days.  You and I have had lots of time together as dad is doing his hospital pharmacy rotation.  We've been reading Shel Silverstein poems, working on my master's degree, and meeting friends for a picnic.

You have been practicing your smile some more. I think this is my favorite one. It's the way your big smiles start.  I had to try hard to capture it.  You were looking straight at me and just babbling and grinning like crazy.  I love the shape of your face, and your semi-chunky cheeks.  Your hair seems a little longer lately, but still doesn't show up in photos much.

Here is your month two, broken up by weeks.  I can tell the biggest difference in your face.  You also don't hold your legs close to your body much anymore.  It makes you look a lot longer.  We went to your two month well-visit, July 2.  You were 10lbs 4oz and 23 inches long.  Your head was 41 cm around!  Dr. Long was very happy with your weight gain and growth.  You met all your 2 month milestones.  You can grasp your hands, lift your chin off the ground when you are laying on your stomach, babble, smile, make eye contact, and turn your head toward a noise. 
 You also got your shots. You did really great and you were only a little fussy that day.  The next day all you wanted to do was breastfeed. It wore me out, but you seemed happy when you were eating.  I felt like human pacifier!  All that being said, you still won't take a bottle.  You haven't in over a week at all. You've probably had 3 bottles in the last month. I won't lie, now that you've got the hang of nursing, it's a lot easier than pumping all the time.  It's faster at night. 

You've been sleeping 6 hours at night in a row the first stretch.  After you eat you sleep another 3ish before you are up for the day.  Oh, how I wish you'd sleep 4-5 more after that feeding. Mama is tired!

You also had your first fourth of July.  You had a great time hanging out with Kim and Morgan while all the guys played video games. You are truly more fun every day! We love you bubula!

1 comment:

  1. He's such a cutie! Are you going to post his birth story or keep it private? I love reading birth stories :)
