Sunday, June 1, 2014

May 2014

So, I'm fully aware that it's June 1st. The last time I posted was Miles first birthday at the end of April.  I can't just skip over May because it was a big month. So, in order to keep things straight, I present you with a bulleted list.

* Trevor finished his last year of Pharmacy Classes. We had his White Coat Ceremony and one more picnic with all his Pharmacy School friends.
Miles fell asleep right at the end of the two hour ceremony.  We missed seeing Trevor's scholarship awarded because it was the one time he was fussy.

The ONLY thing we enjoyed about the rigor of Pharmacy School/Weatherford were our awesome friends.

A good portion of Trevor's class of Pharmacy School

* We traveled home to Missouri for a last visit before Hazel was born.  A bonus got thrown in when we got to pick Uncle Travis up from the airport. Miles also had a family birthday party.

Miles with his cousins, Kaia and David

 Miles having a conversation with Uncle Michael
 Miles with his Super-Cousin, Grace
 Checking out some birthday presents
 He had some help opening them.
 Chowing down on Gramma's Chocolate Sheet Cake
 He loves his Grammy!
Papa is giving Miles some 'cow-riding' tips
* The last major thing that happened is that we moved out of Weatherford (finally) and got settled into Tulsa. We would still be living in a pile of boxes, but my parents came and unpacked them.
* I also met with my new OBGYN. I'm happy to report that Hazel is growing right on track, with a healthy heart rate of 148. She's already head down.  I'm almost 34 weeks pregnant and can't wait for this pregnancy to be over! It's getting to be impossible to get Miles down on the floor and us both back up again. 

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