Monday, August 1, 2011

My goal for you my student

My goal for you my student is to love yourself, to know you have a purpose

and inspire you to find it.

My goal for you my student is for you to love learning and not be satisified with the easy answer

My goal for you my student is to be true to yourself and affect others positively

My goal for you my student is to know right from wrong -and- act on what is right

My goal for you my student is to encourage you to think through your decisions

and be proud of who you are

My goal for you my student, is to contribute fairly to the world we share

Will I be thrilled if you pass all the tests? of course

Will I be excited if your grades are perfect? yes

Do I measure my success on these things? no

My goals lean less on these things, and more with the person

you will be in 10, 20, 50 years down the road. For that, my student, I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. You students are so incredibly lucky. Those are wonderful goals.
