Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I found it interesting that when interviewing this summer one of the questions that was asked was, 'What do you expect from your administration?'.

Oddly enough, after last year at GUES, I've thought about it. It's amazing what a change in principal helps you notice.

My simple answer to this question was school wide expectations for behavior. I have no problem with the independance to achieve the desired result the way each teacher sees best.

I feel like with out a united goal there is no goal at all, or every teacher expects different behavior and outcomes which can confuse students and cause problems between staff.

Today at HP training we chanted and cheered the districts mission statement. I am so excited to see if this makes a difference in student behavior and school pride.

So this year I pledge that:
When a young person enters my school they will be SAFE
When a student enters my room they will be CHALLENGED
When a student leaves they will be READY

Cheers to a new focused year!

1 comment:

  1. Safe! Challenged! Ready! I'll pray that for your school year. :)
